Montag, 7. Dezember 2015

Baking: Hollandse Appeltaart

Hallo zusammen!

Nach über einem Jahr melde ich mich zurück mit einem Rezept, welches sich besonders gut für die Weihnachtszeit eignet! Wie ihr aus den "25 Random Facts About Mebereits wisst, kommt meine Mutter aus den Niederlanden. Heute ist ihr Geburtstag und aus diesem Anlass habe ich ihr einen Holländischen Apfelkuchen gebacken. 


- 300g Mehl
- 125g Zucker
- 200g kalte Butter (gewürfelt)
- 2 Eigelb
- 1 EL Zucker
- 2 TL Zimtpulver
- 75g Rosinen
- 1 EL Griess- oder Paniermehl

Zuerst das Mehl, den Zucker und die gewürfelte Butter in eine grosse Schüssel geben und mit zwei Messern die Masse so lange zerschneiden, bis Krümel entstehen. Dann die zwei Eigelb dazu geben (das nächste Mal nehme ich wahrscheinlich ein Ei mehr, um dem Ganzen ein wenig mehr Halt zu geben) und den Teig zu einem Klumpen kneten. Da es ein Mürbeteig ist, hat der Teig die Tendenz, auseinander zu fallen. Also kann man am Ende ruhig die übrig gebliebenen Krümel an den Klumpen "drankleben", es muss keine homogene Masse wie beispielsweise bei einem Brotteig entstehen. 
Den Klumpen dann in Frischhaltefolie einwickeln und für ca. 30 Minuten in den Kühlschrank stellen. 

In der Zeit, in welcher der Teig im Kühlschrank ruht, kann man die 4 Äpfel entweder in Scheiben oder Würfel schneiden. Ich persönlich bevorzuge die Würfelform. Im Rezept steht zwar 6 Äpfel, für meinen Kuchen waren das jedoch eindeutig zu viele. Das hängt wahrscheinlich auch von der Grösse der Äpfel ab, aber 4 Äpfel sollten eigentlich genügen. 

Wenn die Äpfel geschnitten sind, kann man den Teig aus dem Kühlschrank nehmen und in einer runden Springform gleichmässig auf dem Boden und am Rand verteilen. Dabei gut darauf achten, dass der Teig genug dick verteilt wird. Bevor man nun die Äpfel dazugibt, noch das Paniermehl auf dem Boden des Teigs verteilen. Zu guter Letzt noch die Äpfel einfüllen und wenn man möchte, kann man noch ein wenig Teig übrig lassen und daraus Streifen formen, welche dann diagonal über die Äpfel gelegt werden. 

Als Beilage ist Vanillesauce oder Vanilleeis sehr lecker! 

Leider habe ich es verpasst, ein Foto vom Endresultat zu machen. Deswegen ein Foto aus dem Internet:

Eet smakelijk!
(Guten Appetit auf Niederländisch)

PS: Das verwendete Rezept ist unter folgendem Link ersichtlich.

Donnerstag, 30. Oktober 2014

New in: Lipstick "Diva" M.A.C. Cosmetics

Hallo zusammen!

Heute kam endlich mein lang ersehntes Paket an! Ich habe mir einen Lippenstift von M.A.C. Cosmetics bestellt und heute fand er seinen Weg zu mir. Ich freue mich riesig!!

Ist er nicht wunderschön? Ich hab mich gerade total verliebt!                                                                                            

Eigentlich bin ich nicht so der Lippenstiftträger, bei dieser Farbe konnte ich jedoch einfach nicht widerstehen. Wie er aufgetragen aussieht, weiss ich leider noch nicht. Das werde ich jedoch nachher gleich mal ausprobieren und werde dann auch mal noch Fotos davon zeigen!

Welche Lippenstifte habt ihr so für Lippenstifte von M.A.C?

Alles Liebe,


Samstag, 25. Oktober 2014

Beauty: Skin care routine


Todays blogpost treats my favorite care products I use in my daily skin care routine.

From left to right:
1. Garnier Skin Naturals - cleanser with grapefruit and pomegranate
2. Nivea - peeling with alga from the ocean
3. Nivea pure & natural - toner with aloe vera
4. Lancôme bi-facile - instant cleanser
5. Chanel - hydra beauty gel crème

1. Garnier Skin Naturals 
It's a cleanser with grapefruit and pomegranate extracts which suits for oily skin with impurities. You can apply it very easily to your skin. First you wash your skin off with normal water so it's still a bit moist. Then you apply the cleanser to your skin and distribute it on the whole face and neck but especially on your T-zone. When you press the white pump on top 1x down you have the perfect amount for use. When you rub it on your skin, it gets a bit foamy and you can smell the scent. Right after the whole face is cleaned you can wash the product off. I really like this product because it's not as aggressive as  other products and you can use it very easily. I mostly use this 4 times a week, always in the morning. It's very handy to apply it when you're in the shower (I prefer to take a shower in the morning) so you can directly wash it off without any remains on your skin.

2. Nivea
This is a everyday peeling which contains alga from the ocean. It cleans efficient and it tarnishes the skin. You can use it on combination skin. What I really like about this product is that it's very smooth, even though it's a peeling! When you apply it on your skin, you don't really feel how your skin gets rubbed off. It's more like a cream you apply. Here is it the same way of handling like with the first product. First wash your skin then apply the peeling. You can rub with your fingers a bit harder on the parts of your skin where you have more impurities (that would be on my nose and on the forehead). After washing off other peelings, I often had a feeling of tension on my skin and I wanted as fast as possible apply a cream to soften my skin. This is not the case with this peeling. I use it 3 times in the week, always in the morning.

3. Nivea pure & natural
This toner has aloe vera extracts and you can use it on every type of skin. The story is told really quick: I apply it with a cotton ball every morning after the cleanser or the peeling on the skin, so all the leftovers are gone and the skin is free to breathe. You don't have to wash off anything, just apply a bit on the cotton ball and go with the cotton ball all over your face. Then in the evening I use it a second time: after I removed my make up, my skin is mostly a bit oily. When I apply a bit of this toner, the skin has the perfect requirements for applying the night skin cream.

4. Lancôme Bi-Facile
This is my favorite make up remover! Reason therefor is, that you can apply it with a cotton ball on your face and everything is immediately gone. Even waterproof mascara. So you don't have to rub your eyes off, you just put the cotton ball one time on your eye and everything is gone. It's perfect! Before you jus this product, you have to shake it so the two textures blend.

5. Chanel
This is the most amazing skin cream  e v e r ! It's a hydra beauty gel crème and as the name already says: it's like a gel. When you apply it - in the morning right after cleanser and toner - you immediately get the most awesome feeling on your skin you could wish for. I was super surprised when I applied it for the first time. It is like your skin was a sponge - it absorbs it. Other creams are very thick and oily but this one has a perfect consistency. You really have to try this out - even if it's a bit expensive, every coin you spend on it is worth it!

I forgot to add 2 products on my list which I use regularly! Here they are:

6. Nivea aqua effect
This is the skin cream I always use after a long day for the night. It is veeeery thick and very oily, I don't like that normally. But because it's right before I go to sleep when I apply it, it's not that bad. Actually in the morning the skin is very silky and smooth. After all the cleaning procedure (washing face and applying toner) I apply this product as the last product and the skin care routine is finished!

7. The Body Shop
So now I'm nearly at the end of my skin care routine. This product is something additional to my other products. I don't use it regularly, I only use it when my skin feels dry for example when it's really cold and windy outside. This aloe calming facial cleanser is - at it's already written in the title - based on aloe vera. I'm really into aloe vera when it comes to skin care because my skin reacts really well to it. I can really recommend this product (the whole aloe line from body shop) because it smells adorable and the skin is after applying it well nurtured.

That were all the products I use daily for my skin care routine and I really can recommend each of them!

I wish you a nice weekend,


Freitag, 24. Oktober 2014


Hey guys!

How are you doing? I hope better than me because at the moment I could be fitter. But I hope that its gonna be better during the weekend. This post is called Instagram because I want to show you that I'm not just on Blogger active. I chose a few pictures from my feed so you get a first image. If you like my feed, feel free to follow - I would be very glad!

1. random  2. delicious breakfast 3. my big love: starbucks!
4. a new gelateria in town opened 5. happy mothersday! 6. a postcard from a friend

1. my everyday breakfast in my own apartment because I always forget to buy bread
2. at my parents home 3. Zurich Openair '13 4. view on an early morning walk
5. Munich summer '14 6. one of my favorite restaurants in Berne - Cha Cha

1. ice cream in Munich 2. a lovely bar in Solothurn 3. Amsterdam '13
4. random 5. me randomly 6. a concert in Zurich



1. one of my favorite movies - Candy 2. the best tea ever - Yogi-Tea
3. hanging on my wall 4. earrings and collarbones 5. lovely garden
6. reading "extremely loud and incredibly close

you can find me here SarahRahelAlena.

Have a nice start in the weekend,
